Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fat People Upstairs = 146, Me = 0

Fuck you fat people, seriously. Fuck you so high and hard. I am planning on initiating a pan-global heart attack for all of you so I don't have to deal with your layers of shit anymore. I'm tired of you rolling your eyes at me when I'm out of your favorite sweets at the store I work at. Tired of you guiltily trying to explain that the 16,000 calories in your cart (all sugar) is "For your friend."
Most importantly I'm tired of struggling to sleep past 7am on my days off, because the tubs upstairs can't wait until I get up to do laps around the bedroom (directly above mine) at 4 in the fucking morning! I have been dealing with this shit for like 6 months now, fucking killing me for sure. They can't go on a walk outside, or do laps elsewhere in the building, nope.
Which brings me to my final statement about our lardier lads and lasses: Just like new Mothers with their enormous, over sized baby strollers, you think that we all have to put up with you cause "that's who I am, and this is what I'm doing". Well guess what? We don't. There was never a meeting where all of us who leave the table when full got together and decided we were going to put up with your shit (lets not forget the odor, Lord knows you heftier ones enjoy sharing your brand with us all). In fact, that meeting will never happen, because deep down everyone is disgusted with your dedication to cramming rolls of fat onto your frame.

1 comment:

  1. " think that we all have to put up with you cause "that's who I am, and this is what I'm doing". "

    Put in to words so correctly. I often find myself so frustrated when I'm simply trying to walk down and aisle of our neighborhood grocery store but one thirty year old women at the weight at least 50 times her age can't seem to scoot her ass or her cart over a couple inches to let anyone else by. And the hideous task of her bending over to look at something on the bottom self that's she's not even going to buy is a twenty minutes process that all have to wait for before anyone else can shop freely. UUH. You'd think these people would realize when they're at half the wait they are at now, oh wow I should take it easy on my body and stop crushing my bones with fat and sugar. IT'S SIMPLY UNHEALTHY. And inconvenient when you can't fit in regular sized chairs or walk ways. Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh.
